Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
Originally posted by Chilltown:
[b] ...i still think that putting his money towards Bridget Fonda and George Hamilton was a smart marketing move. Get a life Duvall, no one cares about your selfish ways.

Smart marketing move...and we can see the impact it made on the film and how they made us completely forget about Duvall and his character, Tom Hagen!

Let's remember also that by the time GFIII was made, Duvall had become an Academy Award winner, had starred in an acclaimed miniseries Lonesome Dove...and was now a major star in his own right, far beyond the supporting status he held in The Godfather and GFII. In terms of salary he deserved a little more respect from FFC, and not settling for what was offered was the smartest thing he could've done. Ultimately Duvall didn't need GFIII...but it sure needed him and didn't get him because $$$ won out over the "art of acting". It's common concensus that the film suffered due to his absence and GOOD for him for airing it out and getting the last laugh.

Incidentally Robert Duvall has consistently been one of the FINEST and most versatile character actors around for over 40 years. His star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame last year was well deserved and a couple of years late in my opinion.

AppleOnYa [/b]
Duval is a fine actor, and if he chose not to be in GFIII that was his choice. Personally, I think it was "the smart move.." wink