How, intelligent. Allowing a being that no one has ever seen, or has any physical proof for; to dictate: actions, words, thoughts, lifestyles, sexual preferences, and finance.

Unless, I am really wrong and learnt nothing when; I was a Chirstian: I always believed; Christianity was about acceptance. Not judging, after all the bible itself warns about skimming judgement on others.

I. Myself am not a homosexual nor a bisexual. I; however have many friends who are. I look at them no different because of a difference in a specific preference. Why; would I do that? I might be an asshole, piece of shit in the eyes of most, but one thing; I am not is close-minded nor narrow-sighted.

Vercetti. What do you deem wrong about homosexuality? War, greed, hunger, and poverty will eventually cause a decline in the amount of human beings in existence; so I'll spare you that argument. A bad thing? Not specifically. Ignorance stacked that high is; fucking depressing. Humans are supposed to fucking progress as time forges on difficutly; justly or unjustly yet; uncontrollably.

If god destroyed a town, village, or city simply because of what he adjudged wrong. He must have been a great guy; huh? Does that make you want to kiss his ass? He must be some great being. Pretty cool too. Assuming he exists of course.
