Yes, that was a nice temper tantrum this morning, though there are more pressing issues of course.

Wikileaks revealed a few weeks ago that the Chinese hackers who broke into the U.S. financial computers were teenagers. Perhaps the culprit was simply a 13 yr old Asian kid who's bored with video games, but I doubt it. It's an aggressive act on the Chinese government's part and we've done nothing about it. Years ago, these guys would have been punished, but we're simply powerless over China and N. Korea right now.

Even though we're not a commodities based economy any longer, we're still very strong there, obviously, and I'm in the camp who thinks the US should be more like Ireland and stand by its strong commodities market and say f*u to China and the E.U.

And everyone is waiting tonight to see whether or not China will raise its interest rates which will set the pace for the rest of the global fiscal year. Some people in this economy benefit from devalued chinese currency, some benefit from over valued. Chinese interest rates and currency valuation is an important factor for the many companies in this nation who do business with China.