Originally posted by ShortCake:
I guess we have found our bisexual...Anton. Am I right?
What? Well, actually, I'm not bisexual - although there is nothing wrong with it. Where did you get this idea? Because I'm defending homosexuals? Yeah...you know what you people are called? Bigots. If I ever fucking hear someone say that homosexuals were created by Satan then what in the fucking hell do you expect? Scake, is it not true that the Bible gives us free will? If your "God" is decent at all then let people do what they fucking want as long as it isn't harming anybody? How are homosexuals harming you? Now there's a question; "because they stand for Satan", "because God hates them"? Sorry ShortCake, but that is a bigoted, disgusting, pathetic thing and you deserve everything you get. You ask nearly every fucking person on this BB if they think that homosexuality is a sin.


Is homosexuality an evil act created by Satan?

Yes or No?

Scake, this is the kind of thing that I hate the most from people. What you said and are saying is a sick and all-to-real portrayal of how much hate is in this world. You make me sick ShortCake. Vercetti and OS are right. Doesn't matter if you have sex 1 or 15 times a day, it's still a sin that you're commiting. And you're bashing homosexuals...for what? For living, for doing what is in their nature? For being who they are??? No, ShortCake, your argument has no valid point, I'm afraid. Ask anyone. Homosexuals cause far less problems than people like you. It's the truth.

You are really pathetic ShortCake. I am not surprised to hear it from you. I thought you had some good in you, but you're just a bigot and it's people like you who cause the suffering of so many, no matter how small or big the suffering is.

I'm sorry but I cannot tolerate bigotry.


Only after the last tree has been cut down
Only after the last river has been poisioned
Only after the last fish has been caught

Then you will find that money cannot be eaten.