Interesting read, Li. It's hard for honest hard working people in places like Michigan and Indiana to not hang on to every dollar right now when things are so tough, and yet, the U.S. is currently in the process of borrowing more $$$ from China, so as to give it to the IMF, who in turn will give it to social welfare states in Europe like Ireland, Port. Spain and Greece to help with bank bailouts--just like the same bank bailouts we had in this country.

It's on Germany to really decide whether it will help with bank bailouts to its sister southern euro states (of course Germany benefits from weak euro; increases their exports); while England is pretty content they rejected that whole euro notion to begin with...

And yes, here our government is reducing longterm interest rates by purchasing debt, and this technically stimulates growth, but they're buying that debt at a much higher price than the very debt was auctioned at back in August.