Originally Posted By: J Geoff

Thanks for the tips, Part! I wanna try it, perhaps in the Spring, to see. I have plenty of safe space outdoors. grin Hope your "scare" wasn't too serious, and that you had a great family Thanksgiving!

Guarantee that It will be the best turkey you have had - it's orgasmically delicious! just get a god fryer, prepare bird correctly and follow instructions. I know we men like to just take it out of the box and get going without looking at the manuals. You know there is a reason they put a warning label on the top ring of a ladder lol. Men are just wired that way

I am feeling better and had a wonderful Tgiving with family
I collapsed last week thought heart attack or stroke. Bottom line - no damage to the heart and thankfully no stroke (those that know where I am employed wil see the NOW funny irony if I did have a stroke)
Actually had heart failure - not in the fact that it stopped but insufficient to pump enough blood to brain my blood pressure was as low as 60/40 in the ambulance before they were able to stabilize and bring up in hospital
So after a battery of tests I was released after a few days and now have lots of follow ups etc