Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
In hindsight, it's apparent that what really sent the Rizzuto organization into decline was Project Colisee back in 2006; where over 90 of their guys were arrested, including several of the top leaders. Looks like others smelled blood in the water and decided to hit the Rizzutos while they are weakened. Because of the violence, these killings are getting the press but it was the huge bust back in 2006 that really started all this.

Im agreeing more & more with this.

It definitely seems as if most of the prominent faces & "new blood" are either in prison or have been killed. There's more to the killings, it'll be really interesting to see what comes next, knowing as we do that new information could take weeks, months or years.

Interesting article. The family was definitely pretty well off by now anyway.
