Here's some stuff about the lower echelons, citizen to made man. The "territory" system that was established way over in Sicily, it's still active today. Sicilian example: A family collects weekly money throughout most of Naples. That's their territory, and if you don't respect it, make collections on your own. You better watch your back, Sicilians tend to be extra violent.

In Cosa Nostra, the system of territories is to this day still respected. For instance, the Meat Packing District is Gambino territory. If I start making collections from a bookie in their territory, I get a beating and a death threat.

From all the mobsters I've read about, seems the majority kick up as much as they can, not a set amount. In some cases, their weekly envelopes allow them to leave. Roy Demeo, for instance, was in pornography, which Big Paul frowned upon, as well as drug dealing, which supposedly is punishable by death. Because of the millions he kicked up, his bosses turned a blind eye to his shameful business dealings. That's how it works with the bosses, if you can't kick enough to make up for the risk you pose, you pay with your life. To quote Ralph Cifaretto, "three million a year from construction...".