You'd think its a bit to do with the individual soldiers recognised abilty to earn as well...?

Example: Lets say an older wiseguy, a soldier made a decade or two ago, has quietly built up a book or two under his Capo on his own designated patch, & he knows he can comfortably kick 5K a week, not including the Xmas (& other) bonus(es), so he does, week in & week out, making (probably a few K more then he let on) for himself as well.

On the other hand, some young wiseguy, newly made, born into the Family through his relatives & grown up with the the sons of the other mobsters, he's fresh outta college & completely sure in what he wants to do,(which is work for the Family), so he launches into some elaborate internet scheme devised to cream millions of unwitting netizens through dodgy porn sites, online betting or other various frauds. After months & months of set up after the initial investment, just when the Capo's starting get antsy, the young guy comes through with a clean million dollars kick up, more then making up the initial invest. & the time it took. The young wiseguy starts of on his next scheme, & in some weeks to months may come through with more.
(Ridiculously enough, ive basically mirrored the plot of that equally ridiculous move "This Thing Of Ours" without realising)

In another example, maybe a guy in th local consruction union is a friend of the family, maybe made himself. He organises a no-show job for the Capo, so he is now seen to be earning a regular wage from so-&-so LTD. Is that not that guys kick up, in a sense?

I just think it'd be relative. You wouldnt expect millions of a highjacker, but you'd expect more then a few thousand from your guy rigging bids for public works.
