Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Obama is doing all right, he is not getting his message across. The problem is that the expectations were too high, and since he did not change everything overnight, people turned on the Democrats.

Actually, Obama is getting his message across loud & clear.

And he's changed plenty since being elected, mainly Healthcare which was soundly rejected by the American people, both before and after it passed.

As far of the expectations being too high...he has only himself and his 2008 campaign to blame for that. For some reason too many people thought this was..as Oprah so succinctly put it...THE ONE!

As a result, much of his final two years as President will be spent either in gridlock (which would be just fine)...or hammering out 'compromise' as he now claims to want to explore.

A key moment in defining Obama's presidency so far came from of all people, Hugh Hefner who guested on Larry King Live a few months ago. Hefner's statement was..."I like him, I voted for him, but I'm waiting for something to happen."


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.