Originally Posted By: klydon1
I think if Kendrick Perkins hadn't been injured in Game 6, the Celtics would have won that series.

Same here. I think the Celtics are a better team, and when I say team - I mean team, not individuals. The Lakers have some really big shot players and you see what they can do, but they just feel like a star collection rather than one tight unit. Doc Rivers likes to mention all the time that his original 5 Celtics starters have never lost a series. This year they have Shaq to fill in. I honestly think they are the best team in the league - IF they'll play their best, the championship is theirs.

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)