Originally Posted By: olivant
I remember that when I was in high school I wanted a jacket at a place called Kay's in East Liberty. It cost $10. My parents had to buy it on credit, but they were denied. Finally, my aunt agreed to buy it on credit for me. I loved that jacket and wore it until I outgrew it. Of course, years later it made me realize just how tough it was for my parents trying to raise all of us and that they were willing to go to my aunt to help out is really something to treasure.

That's a very nice sentiment, olivant.

I come from a large extended family that sprung from very modest means. My Aunt Lo splurged and bought a very expensive and dressy red coat for her oldest son, Sean, in the 1950s. That coat got passed from cousin to brother back to cousin again, to the point where eleven of us have a Santa Claus picture while wearing the coat. I was number 8 in the 1969 Santa picture.