
Try as I might, I can never lurk around this forum without getting hungry.

Still have a decent amount of homemade tomato sauce in the fridge from last night.

I think my body has recovered the previous evening's infusion of garlic....

One thing for certain, even though garlic is said to have health benefits, I certainly don't "bounce back" from it like I used to in my younger days. rolleyes

Or it might be that other infusion:

There's frozen chicken breasts in the freezer. Shrimp, too. All of which go quite nicely with the tomato sauce.

Hmmm... Man who has choice has troubles (as they say).

Gonna be a long night. ohwell

Signor V.

"For me, there's only my wife..."

"Sure I cook with wine - sometimes I even add it to the food!"

"When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies?"

"It was a grass harp... And we listened."

"Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it? Every, every minute?"

"No. Saints and poets, maybe... they do some."