Ahh gangsterbb.net, it's been so long.

Ok so I have a question about the ritual involved with becoming a "Made Man". It arose when me and a friend of mine were playing "Mafia 2" (just came out, give it a whirl) and a scene comes up where you and your friend are going to become made. Basically it plays out like this.

You come in whatever clothes you have on (you can change between leather jackets, dress shirts, and various outfits in the game) and they tell you whats going to be happening
"We're gonna take you into that room, give you a speech and you'll have to swear an oath"

My first thought is "Jesus christ, they're going to kill us" because in my understanding you A. *Have* to be dressed very well for this ceremony. and B. You aren't expressly told about it unless they're planning to kill you.

So naturally I complained about it. My friend on the other hand who has no real experience in this field said "Well I mean... it's possible isn't it? That they'd do the ceremony in such a way?"

I wanted to argue the point but when I thought about it I wasn't entirely sure. I have read some news articles in which guys have been whacked under the pretext that they're going to be made and I have read that one always needs to be dressed, but the majority of my proof was from pop-culture since the books I had read up to this point didn't really discuss the issue at length.

So, that said, I came here knowing that there are some other serious students of Mafia-history and criminology in general so if anyone could help clear up the issue I'd greatly appreciate it.


I will be asking the questions! Because I don't know them!