Unfortunately the USA has created an economy and system that rewards the unemployed, the "sick", and the feeble(?). That you, Mr. and Mrs. Lawyer and Congressperson have milked dry. Here's a rhetorical question, "what do attorneys add to the Gross National Product?" <<Head Scratching sound.>>

Thanks to our F'd up economy, I'm actually considering handing my house over to the bank. Its worth less than my mortgage. So what if my credit rating sucks. If I rent, I don't need credit. And who is giving me "credit"?, those same F'd up banks who created this mess in the first place.

Hey O'bama, forget the health care fiasco, make those banks and Wall St. accountable for something....oops, nevermind, I forgot that Goldman Sachs are your buddies.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12