Or is it 'Karl'?

In any case...if ever a guy's campain did an overnight 'crash & burn, this is the one.

Starting out very promising on the issues and with a far better chance of beating Cuomo than Rick Lazio could ever hope to have...Mr. Paladino seems to screw himself tighter into the ground each time he opens his mouth.

Now, the Rabbi who supported him is taking back the endorsement because of Paladino issuing an apology and in effect pandering to the gay community. The Rabbi is right, the candidate is playing both sides.

But that's just one aspect of it. Even if he is intellectually fit for public office...the man has proven he is crass, vulgar and therefore virtually unelectable.

Glad I'm not a New Yorker and don't have to worry about this vote. But it's clear we are all going to be saying 'Governor Cuomo' again come January 2011.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.