The youtube clip that I put up earlier is from a BBC (or british tv) documentary called "The Godfather and the Mob"...

Reveals all the controversy surrounding the filming of the GF.


As an aside, I've never gotten upset about the language in any gangster film because who knows what kind of language ANY body uses behind closed doors, and stories center around killers and criminals ..and if you can take lives, being PC is the very last thing you are thinking about.

It's true to the characters to have them using blunt language, profanity and ethnic slurs about other groups.

Because of the success of (Italian) gangster films and the colorful language/dialogue, there exists groups of people out there who have become a bit too familiar and comfortable using ethnic slurs about Italians. Most people sit down, enjoy the film and that's it. Then there's the minority of arrogant people who hear a phrase or term in a film and start thinking it's okay to repeat it.
(Same arrogant people hear Chris Rock, or other comedians..and some violent hip hop songs and start thinking it's appropriate to use certain words themselves).

Look at the clip of the producer that I

it's a script that he helped draft(adapt)..but look at how easily the slurs flow from his lips as he's repeating Woltz' lines to Tom.
Could you imagine a situation where a non jewish producer/writer/director would be that comfortable in an interview quoting passages from a script that had a stream of jewish slurs?

Last edited by getthesenets; 10/12/10 11:31 AM.