The Last Woltz,

I'll send my reply to you via's pretty long and goes off on points that become tangents (to this thread and this board)..

I'd be interested to read your response to it though....

look for it tomorrow....


I disagree that anything in the film suggests what Woltz REALLY is....

if anything, he's depicted similarly to the book description of one of the heads of the NY old man who was a skirt chaser, a dandy...

The fact that the actress in question ran off with Johnny suggests that she is of legal age....a starlet. Chasing young beautiful women is ONE thing.....people might look down on it because of Woltz' age, but what Woltz is actually about isn't hinted at in the film, one bit.

In the doc. that I saw about the protests.....they aired a clip of Woltz calling Tom's (unseen boss) EVERY Italian ethnic slur in the book...literally every single one..BUT...he never said "mafia"

The doc. suggested that the major beef that Columbo and company had , that the words "cosa nostra" and "mafia" not appear in the film, was unfounded because neither word was ever in the script anyway.