My 2 cents:

Like many of us, Michael Jackson has 'issues'. The difference is that he has leveraged his issues as a marketing tool to extend his visibility. He has some very strange ways and questionable relationships with children, but make no mistake - he may be crazy but he is not stupid - he knows how to make a buck (side note: It was rather amusing to see he try to reclaim his blackness by attacking SONY when his album was not selling).

Those parents who leave their children in the care of an alleged pedophile are guilty of pimping. They are putting the children in harm's way to create an opportunity for a molestation charge.

The public is at fault for financially supporting and turning a blind eye from an unfit parent; if he were not a celebrity, the department of social services would have taken his children and would have had him committed to a ward. Please consider this profile:

a 44 year old black man, twice divorced
has a history of wearing make up, disguises and sequened (sp?) clothes with one glove and tape on his fingers
has a history of sleeping with monkeys, dolls and small children
has been know to sleep in hyperbolic chambers
has had multiple plastic surgury operations
was a victim of child abuse
lives in seclusion with his children; the children have no contact with their biological
has been accused of pedophillia, denies it, but see nothing wrong in sharing a bedroom with children that are not his

If you were a social worker and this came across your desk, you would have this man arrested and those children out of his house immediately.

If we really want to 'heal the world and make it a better place', then we need to pray for him and his children, but also ask the state of his residence to take immediate action to ensure the safety of his children. If he wants to be Peter Pan that is his business, but to endanger small children, to continue a cycle of psychological disturbance and to say publicly that it is OK is our business. If something happens to his children and other children and we knowingly look the other way - then their blood is on our hands.

"People who are not serious, should not be taken seriously"