Originally posted by howardsternisgod:
Family Honour - Why, exactly, was Michael Jackson in need of this publicity, as Princess Diana was? I see that you are from England, but let me tell you something: most Americans don't give a rat's ass about Michael Jackson anymore!
Exactly this is why he needs the publicity. His career is on the skids, his reputaion is in tatters...he has much to gain by putting out a 'rose coloured' view of himself. Maybe attempt to win back the respect and admiration of his countrymen for a starter!!
He is a big joke to some people here in England. IMO his only reason for allowing Bashir to do the interview was cos he thought he'd get the 'Diana' treatment and once again be back on top. It's a done deal that a 'scoop' like that would generate world wide interest and sell around the world, therefore reaching his intended audience all along. What a shame it's backfired, in more ways than one IMO in as much as it's shown me how fragile and teetering on the edge he really is.