Originally Posted By: XDCX
I finally caved in and bought it for the PS3. I am only a few hours into it, but thankfully I am not disappointed. There are moments where I am just roaming through the wilderness, and I just can't wipe this big cheesy grin off of my face. I've spent a lot of my time just hunting. I can safely say that if MY John Marston was a real person, he would have single handedly been responsible for the extinction of crows, hawks, and coyotes lol

I love this game.

Wait until you get further into the game! You'll come across a herd of buffalo that don't respawn, meaning you can actually cause their extinction!

Originally Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas
My son has put this on his Christmas list. The positive comments here are a bonus!

He'll definitely enjoy it, Yogi!