For everybody saying that they don't think Michael Jackson ever diddled any little kids, I present to you Exhibit A, the testimony from the 1...sexually abused him in September of 1993 . I think this will raise some doubt in some minds of the people who think Michael Jackson never molested any children.

Family Honour - Why, exactly, was Michael Jackson in need of this publicity, as Princess Diana was? I see that you are from England, but let me tell you something: most Americans don't give a rat's ass about Michael Jackson anymore! The only countries that seem to care about him nowadays are those of Germany (as evident last night), Japan, and a select few more. The fact is that Jackson has an ego the size of Tommy Lee's cock! He is a legend in his own mind! Take, for example, Johnny Carson: after finishing his show, he said that he wasn't going to be in the public eye anymore and has kept a low-profile ever since, being seen occassionally at Wimbledon. Carson hasn't tried to reinvent himself or anything, but for some reason, Jackson thinks he is still the "King Of Pop". Michael Jackson, it's time to bow other words, "It's over, Johnny".

Don Vercetti - The corrections have been noted.

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986