I was enthralled by the Jackson interview. I had made my mind up by the end of it, he is no pedophile, just a guy with some big personality and emotional difficulties.
This, makes it totally unsuitable for him to have kids staying over in his home.....what are the parents thinking of...fame? Money? I dont know!!
Watching him with his own children was difficult. Seeing what the kids had to endure on a trip to Berlin zoo, which was mainly for Michaels pleasure was just too selfish. Then when he had 'Blanket' on his knee feeding him and he jiggled him so hard and fast I'd thought the kid would vomit on camera frown
It seems as though he believes himself to be a 12 yr old kid in his head and the kids staying at his home are like kids on 'sleep-overs' so it's OK in his book.
Fact is, this is a 44 year old man and he should have no desire to spend his time with little kids, he should be with men of his own age or better still women of his own age wink It is admirable that he tries to 'help' sick kids etc etc I think HSIG got it right when he said he thinks he has a 'sort of God complex' I agree, he does think he has 'something' I'm sure!! Which, surely in itself is a form of mental illness!!
He does look like a clown too, he looks so damned odd I couldn't take my freaking eyes off him. With all thats known about Michael Jackson, if he is investigated and found guilty of wrong doing I think the kids parents should be answerable too, for even letting them be there!!!
Martin Bashir did such a wonderful job with the Princess Diana interview, when she was in much need of public sympathy and support I'm sure Jackson had this in mind when he 'allowed' Bashir to interview him over the 6 month. I wonder if Uri Geller is feeling guilty, he's the one that introduced the 2 to each other and 'got the ball rolling' ohwell