It will be a difficult choice, but I hope a prominent caucasian sports writer calls LeBron out. He threw the race card out, plain and simple, because he has no angle left to play. He was stunned at the negative reaction he received by the way he left Cleveland. Now he's trying to use an issue that has no relevance to his situation.

Whether they will ever admit it or not, there was collusion on the part of James, Wade, and Bosh. They wanted to be player-owners for a team of their own making. I think they are underestimating all the responsibility that is involved by team owners. It is widely believed that Larry Bird and Magic Johnson saved the NBA from extinction (or at the very least total irrelevance) in the early 1980s. Now James, Wade & Bosh may inadvertently be responsible for the beginning of the league's demise.

I'm a middle class white guy. Even if LeBron had not played for my hometown team, I would despise him for what he did and the way he did it. Not because he is black - because it was classless. Just like the charade Brett Favre has subjected us to for the past 3 years. Just like two-time accused rapist Ben Roethlisberger. No athlete is bigger than the game.

Even if it's not him who came up with the "race card strategy," then he is being very poorly advised.