Originally posted by Uztopoke:

"Mulholland Dr."

I want my two hours back.
Mon frère,

This movie went for 2 hours and 27 minutes. I am guessing I know which 27 minutes you don't want back!

The movie is totally whacked. I love it. I own it. I read a bit about it and understand it, mostly. Look here:

Mulholland Drive Explanation
Mulholland Drive Explanation Board

Else? Apply in writing to David Lynch, I am sure he will happily refund your two hours. Personally I would invest another 147 minutes.

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
The Doc says i'm not supposed to talk to you anymore, apparantly you're a bad influence.
Yours too?


You have two hours left to live. What are you going to do with them? Remember youngsters are going to read this.
I would definately be talking to you about the whole Liz thing, you did say you would hook us up? I'd only need a couple of minutes....if that.