Well Apple, you've got a good heart, but by just replying to existing threads, then nothing much will change around here, and people will not bother to come back, and those that are still visiting will be less and less in months to come.

I dont think there are many threads going on right now, I think you mean sections. JG can cut down half the sections we have on here, but that wont solve the problem.

And yeah Apple, I'm not naive. I knew hardly anyone would agree to post 2 threads per week, but it's better to try then not try at all. At least I got everyone's attention, from now on the cards are on the table. When you meet someone in real life you come up with topics to discuss, be it around the table when you're having dinner or on the bus with someone you know. You come up with topics, because you want to talk and not sit in silence. Here in the web world, you can simply log out and no one will know you were here, so it's easy to say that you're not here to post a weekly topic, but if everyone will wait 8 years to post a thread, then we might as well say goodbye right now. Don't get me wrong, it's great that you want to be active, but I think the keyword is 'new'.

Olivant: you're a good man, but I think those threads you suggest will only make things even worse. One of the finest threads we had here in the last six months was the Polanski thread. That thread was a FASCINATING read, a great discussion and great posts from several members. How would a thread like that be possible in the future you have in mind? instead of posting a thread to discuss it, then it will be posted in a general thread, and within 5 minutes it will be replaced by Lindsay Lohan going to jail or Paris Hilton drunk driving. So think about it.

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)