Well, everyone, the time has come. A journey that has taken five years will come to a close tomorrow at 9:00 a.m., when I proudly graduate from college with a major in journalism and a minor in business entrepreneurship. With graduation also comes the end of another journey, however, that one being my rise to power at the Daily 49er. This, my friends, is my final email update for the immediate future regarding my articles (although I will likely be writing letters to the editor at times next semester, which I will notify you all about as soon as they are printed).

For this week's Graduation Issue of the Daily 49er, you are treated to two articles by me, one being a DVD review and the other being my farewell opinion column.
Read the DVD review of "National Lampoon's Lost Reality 2" at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .
Read my humdinger of a farewell column at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

Also, for those of you that are actually interested in watching me graduate, you can watch the graduation commencement ceremony online. If you want to see my graduation ceremony, click here tomorrow (Thursday, May 26, 2005) at 9:00 a.m. and select either the high-speed streaming video feed (for high-speed Internet connections) or the low-speed streaming video feed (for low-speed Internet connections).

In closing, I'd like to thank each and every one of you for reading my articles throughout the past two-and-a-half years and for all of your support. It means a lot to me, and all the responses I got regarding my articles were never ignored. What's next for me, you ask? Well, I'm considering graduate school for sometime in the future and I'm pursuing my career of journalism (both broadcast and print). I thank you all for your continued support and I'll see you all later.

-Gerry Wachovsky-
-California State University, Long Beach graduate-

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986