While it's a gallant effort on Fame's part I am not sure how much one can rely on 'Old Timers' to keep the Board fresh & active. Especially when asking for two new threads per week. I have had several 'old timers' ... one of them a moderator, no less... tell me in PMs (or elsewhere) that they rarely even visit the BB anymore because it's not 'the same' as it used to be. Plus I agree w/ olivant about just too many threads/forums.

What you mostly have here is people who reply to threads that are already going. I have rarely, started a thread on my own in the 8 years as a member. But when I have, it's because of a Subject/Movie/TV show/GF Topic that interests me, not because I'm looking to come up with a topic of the week.

That said, will check in more regularly & do what I can to keep the momentum going on threads worth commenting on.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.