Well folks, we're in the home stretch here. This is one of my last opinion articles for the school year, as well as for the Daily 49er, as I am actually graduating this semester. There will definitely be one more opinion article by me this semester, possibly two, but this one tackled some issues I've really been wanting to say.

For this week, I decided to talk a bit about the increasing militant attitudes of campus clubs. Recently there has been a rise in this kind of political and social expression here on campus, and I think I made some very valid and logical points (of course, when do I not?). Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

As I said, this is not the last opinion piece by me, but it is getting there. We still have a finals issue for next week where we may do one of the following two things: put all new articles in, or do a "Best Of" type thing, where we reprint the best-of-the-best of the 2004-2005 school year. At Journalism Day this year, I defended my title of "Best Columnist" for the Daily 49er for the second year in a row, so if we do the latter of the two aforementioned choices, you can be sure that one of my best pieces from this semester will be included. For the graduation issue in two weeks, there will be a special farewell column from me, so look out for that. As always, you will be the first to know when these are out, so keep your eyes peeled. Until then, however, take care.

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986