Hey everyone, it has been an eventful week so far, to say the least. The good news for you, though, is that you are about to read one of my best opinion pieces ever.

A few weeks ago, the Daily 49er published a letter that libeled me, and while the aftermath is not yet completely over yet (the newspaper has still not retracted the letter to my satisfaction; instead they ran a weak "correction" in Tuesday's newspaper which repeated the same libel, which is a huge "no-no" in journalism), I did have a chance to clear my name in my weekly column. Like I said, it might be one of my best pieces yet. Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

Additionally, there is a piece that ran last week by another column writer who mentioned me and one of my articles in the first paragraph of his story. Sometimes it seems that there would be nothing for opinion writers to write about were it not for me. Read it at the Daily 49er\'s website .

Usually I don't hype an article a week in advance, but for the one that will be coming next Tuesday I have to. It will be BIG, and as always, I will notify you as soon as it is published. Take care, and until next time.

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986