Hey everyone, as always, I am proud to bring you some prime reading material...

First off is my opinion column for the week, which deals with the three major deaths in the past two weeks, and what those people really meant to society. This article is definitely an inflammatory one! Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

Second we have a video game review that I wrote for the expansion pack for "Doom 3", "Resurrection Of Evil". Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

Finally, we have several letters to the editor, and they are all great.
The first is an article/letter apology of sorts from Ntuk, the student-body presidential candidate that I blasted last week. Read it at the Daily 49er\'s website .
Second up is a letter from Ntuk that doesn't mention me specifically but it is clear that I am one of the people he is talking to. Read it at the Daily 49er\'s website .
Last, but certainly not least, is one of the most off-base letters that has ever been written about me. In it, the leader of the Campus Progressives makes the claim that I am a "racist", which could be a potentially libelous statement about me, seeing as how it is patently false and meant to defame my character. Incredulously, she also asks me to resign and apologize for my actions. Read it at the Daily 49er\'s website .

Until next time, people!

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986