Hey everybody, my final semester has finally begun, as well as my final semester with the Daily 49er. What that means for you, though, is another five months of the greatest articles your eyes can possibly see, and what better way to start it off than with not one, not two, but three new articles?

The first article I wrote this semester thus far was a guide for incoming and transfer students, and while it isn't the most exciting article, it will give you some information about good old California State University, Long Beach. Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .
The next article I have for you is a review of the brilliant "Resident Evil 4" for Nintendo's GameCube. If you have a GameCube, pick up this game. Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .
Finally, I have my first opinion piece of the semester, and it is a great one! It deals with the Muslim reaction to FOX's "24", and why the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) needs to take a hike. Read it at either the Daily 49er\'s website or at my website .

Until next time, everyone!

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986