Patrick - I apologize for not replying to your last posts regarding my articles, but I assure you that I read every one. I try to respond to all posts on this thread and I regret not doing so with those.
As far as this article goes, you left out certain crucial elements that totally debunk your claims, which is a tactic I believe you learned from Michael Moore, since you're such a fan of his.

Originally posted by Patrick:
If they accept their democracy so bad, why has the second canidate beenarguing for recounts for over 3 weeks now?
That is blatantly false. On Wednesday, November 3, Karzai was declared the winner. It was at this time that he received congratulatory remarks from his opponents and that the recount concluded. Where, exactly, are you getting your information from?

Originally posted by Patrick:
Why is their an attempted assasination on Karazai when ever he leads Kabul?
I don't know exactly what you are referring to with this comment. The last attempted assassination was on Karzai's vice-president shortly after campaigning ended in October. I don't know of any more recent assassination attempts. Maybe you could provide a source or proof of your claims?

Also, what I was referring to as "unAmerican" in my article (and what you so beautifully took out of context) was the girl who made the comment that she hopes "President Bush is assassinated" and "Dick Cheney dies of a heart attack". That is unAmericanism at its finest, and could be considered treason as well.
Furthermore, I don't think you're seeing the distinction between disagreeing with the president and supporting the president. Despite the fact that you disagree with President Bush, you should still support your country and its leader on matter of principle alone.

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986