I thought it was very good,looking forward to the next episode.
Just like HBO's other production,ROME,the focus seems to be less on historical accuracy and more on recreating the feeling of the respective era,which isn't a bad thing as long as the finished product is good.
Now for a question:
There's a scene where Capone and Jimmy Darmody(sp?) were outside talking about Rothstein and Luciano's fortunes,and Capone mentions that Luciano "did 6 months for pushing heroin a couple o'years back".There's a short moment of awkwardness when Darmody asks "only 6 months?" before Capone answers that "he bought a judge" and suspiciously looks at Darmody.
The implication here is that Luciano ratted to get a shorter sentence.I've heard about his before.Was it actually proven that he ratted or is it just a rumor?