What is Medal of Honor Pacific Assault about? Korean Conflict? Also, did you get a chance to play Shellshock: Vietnam '67 on PS2?

I agree that Bush isn't as bad as Hitler, but conservatives contradict themselves when they start talking shit on Michael Moore and how he's a "fat piece of shit." If you take a look here , you can see someone from this board indirectly called Moore worse then Hitler.

You know that you're lying when you say that Bush won the first debate. If anything, that was the one debate Kerry won by the biggest margin. So far, only you, Sean Hannity, and the Bush campaign advisor have said that Bush won the first debate. Not only did Bush lose the first debate, but according to conservative and liberal polls seen on Fox News and other news programs, he lost the second and third. The polls are what matter here. My opinions of the debates:
First debate: Kerry
Second debate: Draw
Third debate: Kerry
VP debate: Draw

I like that Bracke guy. I agree with him on almost everything you criticized him for. I've said time and time again, Iraq is Bush's Vietnam. There is no cause for fighting there. We don't belong there. We used an attack from Al Quaeda to enter a country that wasn't even near the center of terrorism. Also, the US does train terrorists. In 1984, the US gave Osama Bin Laden and his troops $3 billion to fight the Soviets and they also gave him and his men expert CIA training. -Pat

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur