Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: Frank_Nitti
The putrid mendacity that manifests amongst today's bogus surrealist left is detrimental to the security of this nation.
I'm afraid some folks don't realize this at all, others are indifferent to it, while some serve to progagate it.

Just my two cents

Two cents in what currency?
Funny we're having this discussion as today one of the analysts working on the floor or CNBC asked Obama how you can climb out of a deficit when 42 cents out of every dollar spent is borrowed. And the president's only response of course was to reference the 1.4 trillion deficit his administration inherited from the 2 Middle Eastern wars.

And while he stopped short of labeling the wars as completely contrived and unjustified like some board members here have (how could he? he himself increased troop level in Afganistan) it just angers me so much that those on the left somehow attribute the roots and causes of this war to the previous administration in office and not of the Islamic Jihadist terrorists themselves who destroyed our ECONOMIC center. And every time the president undermines the Middle East war in order to answer a question about the ECONOMY he puts the troops on the ground and the campaign as a whole in danger.

If the President (or anyone else on the left) wants to blame the economy on the sunken treasury facilitated by two escalating wars in the Middle East they have my support. But don't undermine the war and the roots of the war just to try and cover for the fact that the $1 trillion dollar Stimulus plan had no results in an attempt to deliver yet another low-blow to the GOP, all at the expense of national security.