Hey all, just writing to let you know of two articles that are in the paper that I wrote this week. The first article deals with a rally that took place in Los Angeles to battle the budget cuts to the CSU-system; the second is my usual Senate piece. At the Senate meeting today, I was given a standing ovation, prompted by the Dean Of Students...he thanked me for reporting on the Senate week after week in a fair and balanced manner. I was actually pretty stunned but it was nice to be recognized. Anyway, there's also a picture on the paper's website along with the Senate article of the Senate itself. Now you can see who comprises the group I write about each week! Lucky you!
To read the budget piece, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
To read the Senate piece, go to either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .

Until next week!

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986