Hey everyone, there is good news and bad news for this week. First the good news: there are two articles by me in the paper this week, as well as two incendiary and hilarious letters to the editor about me (one directly in response to an article I wrote and the other takes several cheap shots at me). The bad news: the paper is running low on money so it has had less pages recently, forcing them to hold off on my opinion article for this week. That means that next week there will probably be two opinion articles, the one that was supposed to be this week, and the one for next week. Maybe I'll post the one that was supposed to be printed this week sooner, since there is no school on Monday and the soonest my opinion piece will be up is on Tuesday. I'll let you know if that happens. Anyway, here are the links for this week:
1. My article on Black History Month can be found at either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
2. My article on the Senate meeting this week can be found at either the Daily 49er\'s website or my website .
3. The two GREAT, MUST-READ letters to the editor can both be found on the Daily 49er\'s website .

Until next week!

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986