Hey everyone, there is a new article up on my website and the Daily 49er's website about a new scholarship program that I reported on. To read it go to either my website or the Daily 49er\'s website .

Many of you know that I work at 97.1 FM KLSX Los Angeles as a board-op/telephone screener, and a lot of you probably wonder exactly what it is I do there. Well, back on January 1st, 2004, I ran a fill-in show hosted by a coworker named Pat Mellon. For one hour of the three hour show he interviewed a man named Darrell Fusaro that has a one-man play entitled "The Basement", which is based on the Mafia (so of course I loved it, as the Mafia is my forte). Click on the link to Fusaro's site here and you can not only see a picture of me at work that day, but you can also hear that hour of the show! All the music clips, sound effects, fade-ins/fade-outs, etc., is what I do when I say I "ran a show". Listen to the hour (it's actually about 41 minutes, because I removed the commercials when editing the clip) and enjoy...it was a very interesting show that night. Note: It may be slower for 56k users to listen to the clip, so bear with it.

By the way, there will be no Senate article tomorrow since I was sick today and couldn't make it. Another reporter, however, was sent to report on it, so if you want to read it you can see his article at the Daily 49er\'s website tomorrow.

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986