In order to preserve the 9/11 tribute thread, I wanted to offer my viewpoint, but in a different thread out of respect.

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
The first hand accounts from board members on this tic are truly chilling. I recall watching in disbelief the second plane hit the tower and learning about the pentagon.

Here we are nine years later, and I really wonder if we have
accomplished anything meaningful to break up these terrorist networks. The 9-11 attacks cost those bastards a couple hundred thousand. It has drained this country of its treasury, and bin laden is still at large and probably laughing his sick a** off, while we do little more than get into pissing contests about the president being a "muslim," the placement of an Islamic center and the qu'ran burning event.

Well said, DT. I was going to post something similar but refrained. My comment is that as a compromise to the debates about the Ground Zero Mosque and the Qu'Ran burning, we should simply flatten Afghanistan as a starting point. It needs to be wiped off the face of the earth. And if the terrorists flee to Pakistan or another country that offers a safe haven, do the same thing.

Nine years of trying to be politically correct and worrying about civilian casualties has gotten us where? The Taliban is up and running again after their ouster in late 2001. We need to stop the mentality that we are fighting a war against a country (or countries) like past wars. After billions of dollars spent, it is quite obvious that we are not. Instead, we face a cowardly enemy which hides behind churches, children, and are scattered throughout the world. Until we show them that this will not be tolerated, they will continue. I just wish that someone in this country's military had the guts to go through with it and end Afghanistan once and for all.