I take issue with people knowing what "flavor" Detroit has? confused I mean we all know (and love) the NY accent and atmosphere and it's flavor (as the author says). Both the East & West Coast have their "flavors" that everyone is familiar with.

I am guessing, "most" people don't have a clue as to the "feel/flavor" of Detroit, unless they are from there or around there. Let's face it, it's really not like NY, Chicago and L.A. The general public who watch will likely conclude a certain flavor though.

I remember even as a kid, going to Detroit to see relatives was always so neat because Grand Rapids (although the 2nd largest city in Michigan) was not like Detroit, Detroit had a totally different "big city feel" to it. I can't put my finger on it, but it was so cool. smile

As far as Imperioli's obvious NY accent, I don't know that will be a factor either. It sounds as though that's explained per the article by the fact he lived in NY.

That being said, however, I am biased and with Lilo here. Being from Michigan, I would love to see this show succeed and love for it to help Detroit's economy.

HOWEVER........Soda? Ha ha ha ha ha lol No, never say soda in Michigan. I always called it "pop" when I lived in MI. However, the 30 years I've been in CA it is called only SODA!!! My family still mockingly ask when I'm there, "would you like some soda? lol


Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 09/08/10 09:54 AM.

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