I got tired of the 'Beatles' bio-movies (and books) somewhere around the mid-80's, when everyone went over the top trying to convey John's desparation/troubled-youth in contrast w/ the clean cut, mop-topped, jovial early Beatles. Frankly, we watched Lennon metamorphasize through all that and come out clean from the late 1960's through to the birth of Sean. He really came full circle right before our eyes and any interview he did during that time, in print or recorded, is far more insightful than any written film can hope to be.

And until around 1990, Paul McCartney himself "looked around twelve".

All of which reminds me, John Lennon would've been 70 YEARS OLD this coming Oct 9th, which means Sean Lennon will turn 35 on the same day. And December will mark the 30th anniversary of John's death. WOW!

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.