Originally Posted By: dontomasso
A third party is not out of the question in 2012. If the G.O.P nominates a centrist, the real crazies could split and have a tea bag candidate who would siphon off votes in swing states that would otherwise send Obama back to Chicago.

Tea bag or douche bag? grin

But you're right, DT. The Republicans have to fear their crazies on the religious right. They're O's best shot at re-election right now. I still say that's whay he's still the favorite in 2012. The wingnuts on the far, far right will scare away moderate Dems (like me). As soon as they mention religion and all that Mom and apple pie crap, that's all she wrote for me.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.