It happened again, this past Sunday on Henry Fonda day of TCM's 'Summer Under the Stars'.

I've seen this movie so many times. Really meant to watch a bit of it & continue channel-surfing, maybe go back & forth throughout the movie.

Didn't change channels once, became just as riveted as the first time I really paid attention to the story. An absolute CLASSIC, perfect cast, in particular the great Lee J. Cobb who really turned in an Oscar worthy performance.

One of the best, one of my favorites and always will be. Hard to comprehend what a flop it was at the box office but that is sometimes the case with films that are appreciated only many years later.

Of the entire 'jury' only Jack Klugman survives today, affectionately annointing himself 'the last of the 12 Angry Men'. He can also be seen giving very interesting background commentary now & then on TCM.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.