Originally Posted By: Lilo
It's absurdly humorous that Glenn Beck, who is a Mormon , has the audacity to say that the President is not a real Christian. There are some rather serious doctrinal differences between The Church of LDS and "mainline" Christianity, to the point where some other Christians claim that LDS is not Christianity at all. I can't believe Beck wants to go down that path.

Beck is a moron, but we already knew that. I'm just shocked that he doesn't have an adviser to quash such inane comments. And not to get into a religious debate, but Mormons are no more maintstream Christians than the Jehovah's Witnesses, which most mainstream Christians believe is another cult formed almost 2000 years AFTER the life of Christ.

I'm not judging (Especially when you consider that I'm somewhat of a lapsed Catholic with a strong interest in Judaism. So to each his own. Right?). I'm just pointing out that Beck is an idiot for assuming that he can tell us what a "real" Christian is, considering that most "real" Christians think that Mormons are no more a religion than the Sopranos were a mob family. They're just a glorified crew, er, cult lol.

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