Originally Posted By: Lilo
It's absurdly humorous that Glenn Beck, who is a Mormon , has the audacity to say that the President is not a real Christian. There are some rather serious doctrinal differences between The Church of LDS and "mainline" Christianity, to the point where some other Christians claim that LDS is not Christianity at all. I can't believe Beck wants to go down that path.

It reminds me of that alleged quote from The Last Testament of Lucky Luciano, where Vito Genovese profanely objected to working with Jews and Frank Costello told him "Take it easy Don Vitone. You're nothing but a f***** foreigner yourself".

Your post here reminded me of a comment on a discussion page of Wikipedia. Someone said that it's amusing to hear somebody from the Church of England refer to other Christians as "heretics," that whoever does that should ask the Catholic Church what they think of the C of E in that regard!

Let me tell ya somethin my kraut mick friend!