News update:

Soerel was hiding in Amsterdam in a very normal house. Police observed him for 2 weeks after they got an intelligence tip of an unknown person. With his arrest two other people were also arrested.

@Sonny_Black: your intel isn't up to date friend. In the Netherlands 'life' means 'life'. Aboslutely (<=) no chance for parole (Okay, one exception: the King or Queen can give a Royal Pardon [grace]. That happened 3 times so far since 1970). The Netherlands is one of the few countries in the world were this is actually possible and voices are raised that this should change. Dutch law isn't completely according to the European law with this point. Also the longest prison term temporarily is 30 years.

Edit: I was off for two months because of my graduation and vacation afterwards. I've finally got my Master grade in Dutch Penal Law.

Last edited by M.M. Floors; 08/28/10 02:06 PM.