I say riddance to Blockbuster. From blacklisting Scorsese's LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST to Troma pictures (like TOXIC AVENGER) to store staffs who in general couldn't help ya dick in recommendations or look-ups. Shitty selection, or for that matter, the steep rental prices and late fees.

Funny thing was, back earlier this decade Netflix was initially struggling and losing alot of money quickly and offered itself for sale to Blockbuster. Who rejected it. Why? Because Cockbuster was working on a video downloading service, investing hundreds of millions with a corporate partner. Who happened to be Enron.

When Enron bellyupped in 2001, so did the planned Service and its entire investment. The rest is history.

TIS - We all suffered that great annoyance where we drive down to the video store, only to find out the movie we wanted was all checked out. Yeah you lucky kids today. We oldtimers had it rough. Our greatest nightmare was finding a video lost under the couch that's been overdue for weeks. tongue