Hey everybody, my new article is up, and it is a doosy. Allow me to set the stage for today's article: as many of you may or may not know, Tom Leykis is a nationally syndicated radio talk show host, and he periodically does a segment on his show called "Ask The Atheist," where people call in and ask Tom, the atheist, questions. No, this week's article is not on religion or atheism, but rather, tackles a topic I love to discuss periodically, as Tom likes to periodically do his "Ask The Atheist" segment. I wrote articles about this man last semester and during the summer (which can be found at my website, by the way), and I think the required amount of time has passed since I last critiqued this individual. Yes folks, it is time for another bashing of Michael Moore. Read the article at the Daily 49er's site ( http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/fall/opinion/volLIVno18-war.shtml ) or at my personal site ( http://www.geocities.com/howardsternisgod2001/MikeyAndMe.html ).

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986