Hey everyone, my newest article is up and this one will definitely make some waves. It is about the California high-school student who wants to create a "Caucasian Club" and all the crap she is getting for it from people across the nation. Read it at the Daily 49er's website ( http://www.csulb.edu/~d49er/archives/2003/fall/opinion/volLIVno14-racial.shtml ) or at my site ( http://www.geocities.com/howardsternisgod2001/TheCaucasianClubAndWhyISupportIt.html ).

In other news, I recently met with a girl from the other school newspaper, The Union, and she posted a picture of us on their site. Here is the link for your browsing pleasure: ( http://www1.extanthost.com/~admin4/currentissue/photogallery/2003-09-22/gerry.jpg ).

Until next time.

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986